Diffrent Roles of HCG

Diffrent Roles of HCG

1. The use of HCG in pregnancy.
HCG plays an important role in the development of the foetus during pregnancy. After 9 days of fertilization when the fertilized egg attached to the uterus wall via placenta the formation of HCG get starts. Hcg comes in blood circulation and from there some part of HCG can also pass in urine. For the pregnancy check, the levels of HCG is determined in urine. The presence of HCG confirms pregnancy. The more amount of HCG is released in case of twins and triplets in multiple pregnancy. HCG maintains the level of Progesterone which help in uterus enrichment with the thick wall of blood vessels for providing proper nutrition to the developing foetus.
2. Role of HCG in curing infertility
Since it triggers the ovulation (release of the ovum) thus having a significant role to treat infertility in females. Along with this, it stimulates the formation of testosterone which is needed for the sperm formation in males. Hence, it has a great role in the treatment of both male and female infertility.
3. Role of HCG in treatment of female infertility

HCG is extensively used parent rally for final maturation induction in place of luteinizing hormone. It triggers ovulation in the presence of one or more mature ovarian follicles. The release of the ovum occurs after between 38 and 40 hours after its administration that’s why with a schedule, this is given to the woman who is going for in vitro fertilization (IVF) artificial insemination.\

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